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Frequently Asked Questions

1.      When was the Garanti Investment Trust Inc. established?  What is the company’s goal?

Garanti Investment Trust Inc. was established on July 9, 1996 in Istanbul.
The goal of the company is to operate the portfolio of the gold and other precious metals traded on the domestic and international stock markets or on the organized street markets by means of the capital market instruments, only if not dominating the capital and the management of the partnerships purchased by the company, within the framework of the principles and rules of the relevant regulation.

2.      In which stock exchanges the Company is traded ?

Our Company is traded with code: GRNYO, its indexes included in are: BIST ALL(XUTUM) / -BIST CORPORATE MANAGEMENT (XKURY)/ -BIST  STOCK EXCHANGE INVESTMENT TRUST (XYORT).
The stock’s Reuters code is GRNYO.IS, Bloomberg code is GRNYO TI .

3.      What is the Company’s registered and issued capital?

Garanti Investment Trust Inc. Istanbul, it’s registered capital by the date of September  30, 2013 is TL 100.000.000TL its issued capital is TL 32.000.000TL.

4.      What is the shareholding structure of the Company?

You can visit the shareholding structure of the Company at this link:

5.      When did the Company go public?

The Company went public in November 1996.

6.      What is the Information Policy of the company?

You can visit the Information Policy at this link:

7.      What is the Dividend Policy of the company?

You can visit the Dividend Policy at this link:

8.      Does the Company have a Corporate Governance Compliance Report?

You can visit the Corporate Governance Complicance Report at this link:

9.      Which awards have been presented to the Company?

Our company possesses 3 international awards.You can visit at this link:

10 . How can I get information about the Company?

You can find the form to contact us at this link:

Also you can contact the Shareholder Relation Department in business hours with phone/fax/e-mail.